Sunday, October 2, 2011


I can't believe it's already October! Should I clap? Or cry? The girls & I have been trying to get our "art on" with lots of interruptions. Secretly I'd love to just art all day,but there is a pesky little thing called school. LOL.

Haleigh & I have had fun with the index card a day concept since her birthday in August. We plan to try to do it till her next birthday when she will then be ELEVENTEEN.

Randi is working on her love of writing and will be participating in her first nanowrimo. We shall see if she still loves writing at the end. Haleigh & I will be working on our first nanojourmo. November will be busy for sure.I think my lung biopsy will be scheduled that month too. Sure hope it doesn't interfere with my art too much. LOL

I've got to get pictures uploaded, finish my icad covers for September & October, paint my newly made wc journal inspired by Teesha Moore,clean my room/studio; &somewhere find the energy to do all this. Hostage to my oxygen wouldn't be so bad if I could get out of bed and do something for longer than 10 minutes. I'm trying not to worry, but well you know....I am. My so called normal life is no longer... I'm hoping this is not my new normal

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

First flight of the LastDragonflyGirls

Welcome! This blog will serve several purposes for us while having a good time too. We can document our art growth, academic studies, and just our life in general.